Thursday 20 August 2009

Handheld Guru

It is not unknown for great spiritual leaders to disappear from time to time. Jesus himself disappeared for 3 days. He claimed it was because he died. Really it was just an elaborate stunt to get some time alone.
You've noticed no doubt that I went missing for a while. I'm. sure there's been much weaping and gnashing of teeth. I'd like to say it was a ploy to make you solve your own problems but I've never been much of a liar. One of the rare things Jesus does better than me. Or did rather. He has a whole army of people who lie for him now.
Rest assured I've not been avoiding you. Not much at least. I've taken the time off to try to write a book of great import: my memoirs. The world needs to know my life story - my rags to riches story - my amazing journey from a failing insurance salesman to a know-it-all, genius, world changing guru.
It's not been going well. The wife sees my time off the pole as 'family time' which means I get to do D.I.Y while she watches tv. "You can build a 15 foot pole in the garden but you can't fix that leaking shower."
The memoirs have had to go on hold. Instead I will be updating the blog on my Google phone whilst doing other unimportant things like things like walking the dog or playing with My Girl.
Your answer has returned. Start asking your questions.