We use colour to show ones emotions - then please explain why the colour red is used for two opposite emotions - anger and love?
** Just Wondering **
Colours are overrated. You've seen one sunset you've seen them all, especially when viewed from an elevation of 15 foot. But humans are obsessed with colours, attaching them to everything from 'Blue Mondays' to 'Orange Wednesdays', and now, due to colour overuse, we've run out.There are more colours in existence than the non-enlightened mind can imagine, but most of them don’t have names yet. The average pilgrim can’t even name the 120 colours of crayola, yet alone the 4x109 colours available on the average monitor. As such, as soon as we get beyond 'pale peach' and 'Midnight blue', we have to resort to ‘A little bit lighter than “Fuzzy-Wuzzy Brown”’ and the whole thing becomes ridiculous. The only other option is to use Hexadecimal, but, somehow, telling your sweetheart ‘their eyes are of the deepest #DEA681’ isn't quite the same.
To solve this, we assigned colours ‘themes’. For example, Black came to signify death, green, nature, and Yellow, vomit.
Red, being a hot colour, is used for things that make us passionately hot under the collar, such as love, anger or third-degree sunburn. It reminds us both of danger (such as my wife’s angry face) and of romance (such as the petite lingerie of next-door-but-one), and easily encompasses both Love and Anger as varying expressions of passion.
It may interest you to know that red stands for far more than just kisses and slaps. It is the colour of power, war, warnings, fire, sin, guilt, sex, dwarfs, communism, and of course, the wiggly line under spelling mistakes in Microsoft word. For the latter reason, if nothing else, the colour red has made the world a much better place: I dread to think where the blogosphere would be without it.
Hope this helps.
Dwarfs are associated with red? Seriously? I never knew that ... I would have thought they'd be green or something. Unless you're talking about dwarf stars that is!
Here I was all set to ask what orange was all about because I yuv orange and then you said red = dwarf. You know I'll have dreams about this right?!
What's the difference between red and scarlet? Answer: Scarlet is the name of an indestructable supermarrionette, while red is just a colour. As a former dwarf-tosser, I can testify that they are checkered rather than a single colour.
What drives me insane is that scientificky twats try to tell us that these objects are actually absorbing all of the other colours except the reflected bit that we see..pfft...as if?
RED represents rage quite nicely. Afterall anger is a form of passion.
I am quite relieved to be an ordinary fellow who needs only describe the spectrum in varying degrees..
such as 'bright' Red or 'dark' Red.
Unlike Interior Designers and Womenfolk who must memorize hundreds of fancy schmancy names like 'heartbroken burgundy' or 'cloacan rouge'.
Red red
Susu in bed.
(Now I am not going to tell you what susu is! You'll have to ask a Hindi speaking friend to translate if you want to know!) ;-)
Linda - Or at least dwarfs of the British sitcom Variety.
Say it - Please. share those dreams with us
Mr Bananas - Sometimes, I hear the voice of the mysterions...
Don - There is a reason we 'see red.' But as it has to do with red asorbing all the other colours I won't mention it!
ps - Red Susu? Please see a doctor as soon as you can...
I will forever associate red with the pain of not being able to spell correctly.
Miss Britt -
Red pen,
Red Line,
we make mistakes
All the time.
(Except Gurus,
They're sublime!)
Dwarfs? Ah Dwarf as in Rimmer. Lister, Holly and the Cat...Doh!
I see red all the time. I'm doomed aren't I?
Jams - Indeed. Why the hell was he called Rimmer....
Dale - Oh you're doomed alright. But not because you see red a lot...
I am still quite bitter that my wife won an argument over the difference between dark grey and light black.
It was a bitter war, red with passion, anger, rage and a little blood.
Grimm - I'm now extremly curious over excatly how she won...
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