I've been watching it track up over the last few days and, finally, today, my feedburner counter hit 50. 50 people a day are reading this blog!
For a relatively obscure blog like this one with only 34 posts over 7 months (what can I say, I'm a busy Guru!) that's an excellent result and a third of the way towards my target of 150 readers by the end of 2008!
I'd like to say that this success was all down to you: so I will. No matter what I write, if my beloved Pilgrims didn't subscribe to this blog and tell others about it then I might as well be sitting up this pole talking to my stuffed snake all day. My stuffed snake would probably like that but that's not the point...
But our work is not yet done. Billions remain who are not yet aware of the truth, lost souls in need of someone to show them the way. It is imperative that all who seek shall find, and it falls on you, Pilgrim, to lead them to the light.
I mean after all, I'm perched on a 15 foot pole, it's not like I can reach out and grab people. Unless... I had a very long grabbing pole! Very long Grabbing Pole! I'll get to work straight away.
But in the meantime, here's all I ask of you. If you read something you like here add a link to it from your blog; there's a good chance your blog readers will like it too. Or if you're too shy to tell your readers then Stumble, Digg it, or submit it to the social network of your choice. There are links at the bottom of every post which make doing any of these things almost as easy as enjoying my well taught, brilliantly entertaining lessons.
I think it was Kermit the Frog who said "Be the change you want to be in the world." If you want the world to be a wiser, happier, more enlightened place tell your friends, lovers, co-workers and shopkeepers about The Freelance Guru. Especially talk to stupid people.
Thank you for all your support. Together we can make your world that little bit wiser.

I'd like to say that this success was all down to you: so I will. No matter what I write, if my beloved Pilgrims didn't subscribe to this blog and tell others about it then I might as well be sitting up this pole talking to my stuffed snake all day. My stuffed snake would probably like that but that's not the point...
But our work is not yet done. Billions remain who are not yet aware of the truth, lost souls in need of someone to show them the way. It is imperative that all who seek shall find, and it falls on you, Pilgrim, to lead them to the light.
I mean after all, I'm perched on a 15 foot pole, it's not like I can reach out and grab people. Unless... I had a very long grabbing pole! Very long Grabbing Pole! I'll get to work straight away.
But in the meantime, here's all I ask of you. If you read something you like here add a link to it from your blog; there's a good chance your blog readers will like it too. Or if you're too shy to tell your readers then Stumble, Digg it, or submit it to the social network of your choice. There are links at the bottom of every post which make doing any of these things almost as easy as enjoying my well taught, brilliantly entertaining lessons.
I think it was Kermit the Frog who said "Be the change you want to be in the world." If you want the world to be a wiser, happier, more enlightened place tell your friends, lovers, co-workers and shopkeepers about The Freelance Guru. Especially talk to stupid people.
Thank you for all your support. Together we can make your world that little bit wiser.