I was on my third cup of tea, and contemplating deeply on the path to the perfect brew, when it occurred to me. 'Marcus,' I thought, 'start a blog! It makes perfect sense. You're on top of this pole 9-5, 5 days a week, and one can't meditate all the time. Why not use the time to give something back to the earth-crawlers?' It was all rather surprising as I hadn't been expecting my next enlightenment until Tuesday.
Of course I realise that to many of you, my efforts will be wasted. It takes a beautiful, wise and modest soul, like my own, to truly appreciate the message I bring. But I must try; After all, I have so much to give. Truly with me at the helm, this blog will be a blessing to the world.
Consider it my gift to you. I will teach you my wisdom, I will answer your questions, and little by little I will train you in the true nature of the world, as seen from a 15 foot pole overlooking Bristol.
Yes, my disciples, your path to enlightenment begins here . To quote the great philosopher Lao-tze, 'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a road map and a full tank of gas.'
This is your road map. You will have to find the gas yourself.
Do you used to run that freelance clinic blog? I don't know remember the exact title but it use to have humorous takes on life issues.
Anyway thanks for your visit to my photoblog.
You're quite funny and I may come back to visit.
Lissa - Thank you for your comments. We look forward to seeing you again.
The Freelance Cynic blog was run by Simon Hembra, a wonderful person and a very good friend of mine. In fact we were so close we often share a bed and ocasionally even a body.
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